How Can I Help?
You can help by Praying With Us, Sharing Your Testimonies in our 630 Prayer Partners Facebook Community, Making a monetary or T-Shirt donation

Pray With Us!
Everyone's efforts matter!!
We are called to intercede for each other, our families, and our communities.
We are suggesting that each of us willing make a commitment to pray at or around 6:30 AM ( don’t worry if it’s not exactly that time ) in the morning (for your specific time zone) and let’s see what the Lord does in response.
As we synchronize our prayer efforts and our hearts we are building a unity of faith to see God change our hearts, our families lives, our community and our nation, as we believe God to do great things in obedience to his desires for pray!!
Start off in your own personal way, and build it into structure as you are lead by God’s spirit!!
Thank you for considering our Prayer Journey Together!! We are excited that you are joining the “630” team!!
Prayer Initiative